Friday, July 18, 2008

God is our strong provider

No matter what troubles we face, God is bigger and stroger of them all. He is willing and able to give us everything we need and to help us overcome life's problem.
"With God all things are possible"
If we hang around with friends who play sports (or do anything competitively) long enough, we'll hear a lot of boasting. All over the sports scene, we hear athletes making bold claims about their dominance over others. But what would you think if someone proclaimed, "I am the weakest!" Well, that's pretty much what Paul was declaring when he told the Corinthian church about the difficulties he had encountered. As he detailed bad event after bad event - from stonings to shipwrecks to beating - Paul laid bare his own deficiencies. He was open about being hungry and thirsty and cold.
So why did he bost about such dishearting stuff? Why did he talk about all this anti-hero stuff? Because he wanted to tell the people of Corinth that it was okay to be on the downside of trouble, because in those kinds of circumstances we have only one source of strength.
When you're shipwreck, you have only God to give you hope.
When you're being beaten, only God can help you survive.
When you're without resources, only God can come through as your provider.
Only when you are weak can you experience God's strenght.
It's okay to cry out, "I'm the weakest." Because then you can turn to God. He is the strongest, and he will turn your weakness into a triumph of his strength.